By stimulating young bloggers to assume the role of the Leader and to empower their peers at risk of social exclusion (including NEETs), YouthMythBusters aims at promoting the civic and political engagement of the latter and to fight fake news, manipulation and propaganda.
Youth Myth Busters (YMB) project aims at promoting the engagement of youth and those at risk of social exclusion (NEETs) in democratic and civic life and to enhance their critical thinking and media literacy in order to strengthen democracy and fight manipulation, propaganda and fake news.
Specifically, the project consists of a capacity building programme (IO1) for young influencers aiming at preparing them for assuming the role of youth leader in order to stimulate civic and political participation among their peers. The consortium will assist these leaders in acquiring competences to strengthen their peers civic and political engagement and to fight manipulation, propaganda and fake news. An e-learning platform (IO2) will be developed aiming to provide digital modules to young leaders to enhance media literacy of peers. Also a toolkit will be the guide of the peer-to-peer myth busting actions (IO3) for the identification of fake news, propaganda, manipulation, while national and European recommendations papers (IO4) for practitioners and policy makers will be drafted on providing tailor-made solution.
Associazione ISES