The  general objectives of JUST ORIGINAL project are the following:

To improve the understanding and awareness of young consumers (11-17 years old) about the counterfeiting phenomenon and the effects of the Intellectual Property Rights’ (IPR) violations

To engage young consumers in creating knowledge and disseminating relevant information related to the dangerous consumption of counterfeited goods

To foster the relevance of consumers’ auto-protection and it will directly involve them in tackling counterfeiting through an effective communication campaign to be developed at national level and promoted on the Web

The  specific objectives of JUST ORIGINAL project are the following:

Considering the framework of the project, thus, its specific objective is to engage a significant number of young consumers in all participating countries, as crucial part of the priority audience of the call. In particular, the ultimate goal is to raise their awareness about the importance of IPR, the danger of counterfeiting and the risks of piracy, to be tested and assessed through 1 ad hoc questionnaire. Furthermore, taking into account relevant leverage possibilities, the project aims at involving key stakeholders at local, national and EU level in order to disseminate the project results and to communicate JUSTORIGINAL activities to a wider audience.
Based on the solid experience of CODACONS, JUSTORIGINAL will ensure the sustainability and continuity of the successful experience of IO SONO ORIGINALE project, developing its EU dimension.